A junior web developer at the University of California’s Risk and Safety Solutions Department and
recent Computer Science graduate of the University of California, Davis. I am incredibly passionate
about learning new software as evidenced by the web applications I have developed in my free time.
Feel free to try them out!
Click here to view my resume
I acquired these skills from my classes and the side projects I've engineered:
Restaurant Recommender Web Application
A Spring Boot web application side project that ranks the restaurants in a group's vicinity
based on how well each restaurant matches all
the group members' cuisine preferences. The application includes a map of restaurants and
provides directions to
restaurants if prompted. Users have the option of saving the top ten restaurants returned by
my app as well as their
location. User authorization and authentication is provided by the Keycloak API.
Please note that there are currently bugs with the third party Keycloak software I used in this
See the Keycloak issue here:
Click here to
try out my app
Twitter Movie Rater
A Flask web application side project that rates movies based on tweets by utlizing sentiment
analysis, a popular machine learning model
used in natural language processing. This project calculates a movie's rating based on a 5
star scale and returns the 5 most popular tweets, 5 most
positive tweets, and 5 most negative tweets about the movie. This app also includes a Redis
Queue worker to speed up computationally heavy
machine learning tasks.
Click here to try
out my app
Bug Tracker Web Application
Currently engineering a Spring Boot web application that enables developers to gather beta
testers for their products.
Beta testers can submit tickets of the bugs they discover in the developers’ product to the
developers themselves.
Utilizes Keycloak for authentication and authorization purposes in tandem with a separately
created MySQL database.
I have also used the AngularJS framework for my front-end work in this project.
Video Manipulation Program
A side project that can split video files at a desired time stamp and concatenate multiple
video files together. This project
was written in Java and includes a GUI for users to easily input their desired videos and
time stamps.
File System (Operating Systems Class Project)
Engineered a file system in C based off the structure of the Microsoft file system. This
project allowed a user to mount and unmount a virtual “disk” that contained files as well as
delete, open, close, read to, and write from files among others.
Research Assistant in an Agent-Based Modeling Laboratory
Researched the health and socio-economic effects caused by the COVID-19 epidemic by
programming various agent-based models focused on these effects. These models were written
in Java.
Davis Bus Route Program
Wrote a C++ program to parse an OSM file containing over 100,000 different locations in
California and find the shortest routes between any two locations in the city. The program
accounted for Davis’s one-way streets, speed limits, walking paths, and sidewalks
— all of which were contained in a CSV file.
DoorDash Delivery Driver
Expected to fulfill pickups and deliveries for numerous restaurants in a timely fashion. I
worked roughly 30 hours a week during in the summer of 2016
Volunteer at Dolphin Isle Preschool
Helped teach basic arithmetic and reading to children. I volunteered about 8 hours a week in
Tennis Instructor
Instructed novice students on proper technique in groundstrokes, serves, and net play. I
Also instructed advanced students in more aggressive game play and strategy.